Stonewood, West Virginia

Relegious Education

About Religious Education

Religious Education includes the formation and catechesis of every member of the parish.  This includes:

  • Children's Liturgy of the Word
  • Summer Program
  • Religious Education Classes (CCD)
  • Sacramental Preparation for Students and Parents
  • Youth Ministry
  • Young Adult Formation
  • Adult Faith Formation

If you would like to be involved with any of these ministries, please contact the Director of Religious Education.

OLPH Relegious Education Parent Handbook


Welcome Letter to CCD Parents

Dear Parents:

To promote the growth of the Catholic Church as a community of faith here at Our lady of Perpetual Help, we promote Stewardship in our Religious Education Program.  In gratitude, we joyfully give back a portion of our God-given gifts of Time, Talent, and Treasure.  Rooted in Scripture and tradition, Stewardship is a response to our Baptismal call to be disciples of Jesus and follow His way of life.

Each of us has been given abilities and gifts to do certain things well and we are to develop them for the benefit of others.  We give of our time in prayer and worship, in sharing our love with family and friends, and in volunteering for church and community activities that demonstrate our concern for others.  Stewardship of treasure, like all stewardship, begins with the fundamental understanding that all that we have comes from God.  Stewardshi0p of treasure becomes a spiritual exercise when it is planned, proportionate and sacrificial.

Every Sunday, our religious education classes will have an offering jar for the kids to contribute.  Ten percent of the money will be given directly to the church.  The remaining money will either be used to purchase religious education books, supplies and materials or given to a particular cause and/or charity of the class’s choice.  We encourage all children to participate in this weekly giving opportunity.

Another example of promoting Stewardship in our church is that we ask all family to contribute to our Spaghetti Dinner.  Volunteers are needed to work, bake cakes, and donate drinks.  Also, by attending the Spaghetti Dinner as a family, you are practicing Stewardship by showing your support of parish activities.  We invite you and your family into active Stewardship through the sharing of your time, talent, and treasure.

Yours in Christ,

Pastorial Associate